Summer 2009
 DateFacilityRes.DivAway Home  
105/17/09 6:00 PMI-35BlueMixed Control Freaks (Fors 1The Puckers (Taylor) 0Final
205/17/09 7:15 PMI-35BlueMixed Cocktail Mixers (And 7Rag Tag Mutts 3 (Mau 2Final
305/17/09 9:45 PMI-35BlueMixed Mixed Monkey Mob (Le 10The Northstar Mob (K 7Final
405/18/09 8:30 PMI-35BlueMixed Las Cabras (Brunet) 2Goats (Farm) 1Final (SO)
505/31/09 6:00 PMI-35BlueMixed The Northstar Mob (K 2Goats (Farm) 4Final
605/31/09 7:15 PMI-35BlueMixed Mixed Monkey Mob (Le 3Las Cabras (Brunet) 0Final
705/31/09 8:30 PMI-35BlueMixed The Puckers (Taylor) 2Rag Tag Mutts 3 (Mau 0Final
805/31/09 9:45 PMI-35BlueMixed Control Freaks (Fors 3Cocktail Mixers (And 4Final (SO)
906/07/09 6:00 PMI-35BlueMixed Goats (Farm) 3The Puckers (Taylor) 2Final (SO)
1006/07/09 7:15 PMI-35BlueMixed Rag Tag Mutts 3 (Mau 3The Northstar Mob (K 6Final
1106/07/09 8:30 PMI-35BlueMixed Cocktail Mixers (And 4Mixed Monkey Mob (Le 5Final
1206/07/09 9:45 PMI-35BlueMixed Las Cabras (Brunet) 2Control Freaks (Fors 3Final
1306/08/09 6:30 PMI-35BlueA Datran 4Iceholes 3Final (SO)
1406/08/09 7:45 PMI-35BlueB1 Tail Chasers 1Beercapades 2Final (SO)
1506/08/09 9:00 PMI-35BlueB2 Monkey Mob 0Atomic Horseradish 2Final
1606/09/09 7:00 PMI-35BlueA Bulldogs 4Moose-Knuckle Select 3Final
1706/09/09 8:15 PMI-35BlueB2 B.A.D. 2Brokeback Bozack 4Final
1806/09/09 9:30 PMI-35BlueB2 Sober Skaters 4Team Shamwow 3Final
1906/10/09 8:45 PMI-35BlueC Monkey Kong 4Bad Goalie 3Final
2006/10/09 10:00 PMI-35BlueC The Olson Twins 4Crockett 2Final
2106/11/09 7:00 PMI-35BlueA Team Teabag 1Datran 7Final
2206/11/09 8:15 PMI-35BlueB1 Inglewood Jacks 4Semi-Pro Paradise 3Final
2306/11/09 9:30 PMI-35BlueB1 Beercapades 4Black Jack 1Final
2406/12/09 6:30 PMI-35BlueB2 Monkey Mob 2Sober Skaters 3Final
2506/12/09 7:45 PMI-35BlueB2 Atomic Horseradish 3Brokeback Bozack 2Final
2606/12/09 9:00 PMI-35BlueB2 Team Shamwow 2B.A.D. 4Final
2706/13/09 3:15 PMI-35BlueB1 Semi-Pro Paradise 2Tail Chasers 6Final
2806/13/09 4:30 PMI-35BlueB1 Black Jack 1Inglewood Jacks 4Final
2906/13/09 5:45 PMI-35BlueC Crockett 2Monkey Kong 3Final (SO)
3006/13/09 7:00 PMI-35BlueC Bad Goalie 5The Olson Twins 6Final (SO)
3106/14/09 6:00 PMI-35BlueMixed The Northstar Mob (K 5Mixed Monkey Mob (Le 7Final
3206/14/09 7:15 PMI-35BlueMixed Goats (Farm) 4Las Cabras (Brunet) 1Final
3306/14/09 8:30 PMI-35BlueMixed The Puckers (Taylor) 6Control Freaks (Fors 5Final
3406/14/09 9:45 PMI-35BlueMixed Rag Tag Mutts 3 (Mau 4Cocktail Mixers (And 1Final
3506/15/09 6:30 PMI-35BlueB1 Beercapades 2Inglewood Jacks 3Final
3606/15/09 7:45 PMI-35BlueB1 Tail Chasers 1Black Jack 3Final
3706/15/09 9:00 PMI-35BlueB2 Team Shamwow 2Monkey Mob 4Final
3806/16/09 7:00 PMI-35BlueA Datran 6Moose-Knuckle Select 5Final
3906/16/09 8:15 PMI-35BlueA Iceholes 9Team Teabag 7Final
4006/16/09 9:30 PMI-35BlueB2 Brokeback Bozack 5Sober Skaters 1Final
4106/17/09 8:45 PMI-35BlueB1 Beercapades 3Semi-Pro Paradise 5Final
4206/17/09 10:00 PMI-35BlueB1 Tail Chasers 1Inglewood Jacks 3Final
4306/18/09 7:00 PMI-35BlueA Datran 6Bulldogs 2Final
4406/18/09 8:15 PMI-35BlueB2 B.A.D. 1Atomic Horseradish 4Final
4506/18/09 9:30 PMI-35BlueB2 Monkey Mob 1Brokeback Bozack 3Final
4606/19/09 6:30 PMI-35BlueC Crockett 2Bad Goalie 4Final
4706/19/09 7:45 PMI-35BlueC The Olson Twins 1Monkey Kong 2Final
4806/19/09 9:00 PMI-35BlueB1 Black Jack 2Semi-Pro Paradise 4Final
4906/20/09 3:15 PMI-35BlueA Iceholes 5Moose-Knuckle Select 8Final
5006/20/09 4:30 PMI-35BlueA Team Teabag 4Bulldogs 6Final
5106/20/09 5:45 PMI-35BlueB2 Atomic Horseradish 4Team Shamwow 3Final (SO)
5206/20/09 7:00 PMI-35BlueB2 Sober Skaters 5B.A.D. 2Final
5306/21/09 6:00 PMI-35BlueMixed Rag Tag Mutts 3 (Mau 5Control Freaks (Fors 2Final
5406/21/09 7:15 PMI-35BlueMixed Cocktail Mixers (And 4The Puckers (Taylor) 3Final (SO)
5506/21/09 8:30 PMI-35BlueMixed Las Cabras (Brunet) 1The Northstar Mob (K 2Final (SO)
5606/21/09 9:45 PMI-35BlueMixed Goats (Farm) 6Mixed Monkey Mob (Le 7Final (SO)
5706/22/09 6:30 PMI-35BlueA Bulldogs 4Iceholes 2Final
5806/22/09 7:45 PMI-35BlueB1 Tail Chasers 1Beercapades 2Final (SO)
5906/22/09 9:00 PMI-35BlueB1 Semi-Pro Paradise 2Inglewood Jacks 4Final
6006/23/09 7:00 PMI-35BlueB2 Brokeback Bozack 4Team Shamwow 3Final (SO)
6106/23/09 8:00 PMI-35RedB2/C Spell 3Shapiro 2Final
6206/23/09 8:15 PMI-35BlueB2 Sober Skaters 5Atomic Horseradish 4Final (SO)
6306/23/09 9:00 PMI-35RedB2/C Cardwell 1Miller 3Final
6406/23/09 9:30 PMI-35BlueB2 B.A.D. 3Monkey Mob 2Final
6506/24/09 8:45 PMI-35BlueA Team Teabag 2Iceholes 3Final
6606/25/09 7:00 PMI-35BlueC Bad Goalie 5Monkey Kong 3Final
6706/25/09 8:00 PMI-35RedA/B1 Johnson 13Geldon 1Final
6806/25/09 8:15 PMI-35BlueC Crockett 5The Olson Twins 3Final
6906/25/09 9:00 PMI-35RedA/B1 Paull 3Nisenfeld 7Final
7006/25/09 9:30 PMI-35BlueB1 Black Jack 9Beercapades 3Final
7106/28/09 6:00 PMI-35BlueMixed Control Freaks (Fors 3Goats (Farm) 7Final
7206/28/09 7:15 PMI-35BlueMixed Mixed Monkey Mob (Le 5Rag Tag Mutts 3 (Mau 4Final (SO)
7306/28/09 8:30 PMI-35BlueMixed Cocktail Mixers (And 3The Northstar Mob (K 2Final
7406/28/09 9:45 PMI-35BlueMixed Las Cabras (Brunet) 2The Puckers (Taylor) 1Final
7506/29/09 6:30 PMI-35BlueB1 Inglewood Jacks 0Tail Chasers 5Final
7606/29/09 7:45 PMI-35BlueA Moose-Knuckle Select 5Team Teabag 3Final
7706/29/09 9:00 PMI-35BlueA Bulldogs 4Datran 1Final
7806/30/09 7:00 PMI-35BlueB2 Atomic Horseradish 2Monkey Mob 3Final
7906/30/09 8:00 PMI-35RedB2/C Shapiro 2Cardwell 4Final
8006/30/09 8:15 PMI-35BlueC Monkey Kong 3Crockett 1Final
8106/30/09 9:00 PMI-35RedB2/C Spell 5Miller 4Final
8206/30/09 9:30 PMI-35BlueC Bad Goalie 5The Olson Twins 3Final
8307/01/09 8:45 PMI-35BlueB2 Team Shamwow 3Sober Skaters 1Final
8407/01/09 10:00 PMI-35BlueB2 Brokeback Bozack 2B.A.D. 1Final
8507/02/09 7:00 PMI-35BlueB1 Semi-Pro Paradise 2Beercapades 3Final
8607/02/09 8:00 PMI-35RedA/B1 Geldon 3Paull 11Final
8707/02/09 8:15 PMI-35BlueB1 Black Jack 4Tail Chasers 2Final
8807/02/09 9:00 PMI-35RedA/B1 Nisenfeld 4Johnson 2Final
8907/02/09 9:30 PMI-35BlueA Moose-Knuckle Select 8Iceholes 3Final
9007/06/09 6:30 PMI-35BlueB2 B.A.D. 3Team Shamwow 6Final
9107/06/09 7:45 PMI-35BlueB2 Sober Skaters 3Monkey Mob 6Final
9207/06/09 9:00 PMI-35BlueB2 Brokeback Bozack 4Atomic Horseradish 3Final
9307/07/09 7:00 PMI-35BlueA Iceholes 4Datran 2Final
9407/07/09 8:15 PMI-35BlueA Moose-Knuckle Select 8Bulldogs 3Final
9507/07/09 9:30 PMI-35BlueB1 Inglewood Jacks 7Black Jack 0Final
9607/08/09 8:45 PMI-35BlueC The Olson Twins 2Crockett 1Final (SO)
9707/08/09 10:00 PMI-35BlueC Monkey Kong 2Bad Goalie 1Final
9807/09/09 7:00 PMI-35RedA/B1 Paull 3Johnson 4Final
9907/09/09 7:00 PMI-35BlueA Moose-Knuckle Select 6Team Teabag 3Final
10007/09/09 8:00 PMI-35RedA/B1 Nisenfeld 12Geldon 3Final
10107/09/09 8:15 PMI-35BlueB1 Semi-Pro Paradise 2Tail Chasers 1Final
10207/09/09 9:00 PMI-35RedB2/C Cardwell 0Spell 3Final
10307/09/09 9:30 PMI-35BlueB1 Beercapades 5Inglewood Jacks 2Final
10407/11/09 3:15 PMI-35BlueC Bad Goalie 5Crockett 1Final
10507/11/09 4:30 PMI-35BlueC Monkey Kong 1The Olson Twins 3Final
10607/11/09 5:45 PMI-35BlueA Bulldogs 7Iceholes 6Final (SO)
10707/11/09 7:00 PMI-35BlueA Datran 7Team Teabag 3Final
10807/12/09 6:00 PMI-35BlueMixed Cocktail Mixers (And 5Las Cabras (Brunet) 4Final
10907/12/09 7:15 PMI-35BlueMixed The Northstar Mob (K 6The Puckers (Taylor) 4Final
11007/12/09 8:30 PMI-35BlueMixed Mixed Monkey Mob (Le 8Control Freaks (Fors 1Final
11107/12/09 9:45 PMI-35BlueMixed Rag Tag Mutts 3 (Mau 0Goats (Farm) 5Final
11207/13/09 6:30 PMI-35BlueB1 Semi-Pro Paradise 1Tail Chasers 5Final
11307/13/09 7:45 PMI-35BlueA Moose-Knuckle Select 5Iceholes 4Final (SO)
11407/13/09 9:00 PMI-35BlueA Team Teabag 0Bulldogs 5Final
11507/14/09 7:00 PMI-35BlueB2 Monkey Mob 1B.A.D. 4Final
11607/14/09 8:00 PMI-35RedB2/C Miller 2Cardwell 4Final
11707/14/09 8:15 PMI-35BlueC Crockett 1Monkey Kong 5Final
11807/14/09 9:00 PMI-35RedB2/C Shapiro 5Spell 4Final
11907/14/09 9:30 PMI-35BlueC The Olson Twins 1Bad Goalie 3Final
12007/15/09 8:45 PMI-35BlueB1 Semi-Pro Paradise 5Inglewood Jacks 3Final
12107/15/09 10:00 PMI-35BlueB1 Black Jack 6Beercapades 4Final
12207/16/09 7:00 PMI-35BlueA Bulldogs 5Datran 3Final
12307/16/09 7:00 PMI-35RedA/B1 Nisenfeld 3Paull 6Final
12407/16/09 8:00 PMI-35RedA/B1 Geldon 3Johnson 4Final
12507/16/09 8:15 PMI-35BlueB2 Team Shamwow 2Atomic Horseradish 1Final
12607/16/09 9:00 PMI-35RedB2/C Miller 2Shapiro 4Final
12707/16/09 9:30 PMI-35BlueB2 B.A.D. 5Sober Skaters 2Final
12807/17/09 6:30 PMI-35BlueA Iceholes 8Team Teabag 2Final
12907/17/09 7:45 PMI-35BlueC Crockett 2Bad Goalie 3Final (SO)
13007/17/09 9:00 PMI-35BlueC The Olson Twins 0Monkey Kong 4Final
13107/18/09 3:15 PMI-35BlueB1 Tail Chasers 5Beercapades 1Final
13207/18/09 4:30 PMI-35BlueB1 Black Jack 4Semi-Pro Paradise 2Final
13307/18/09 5:45 PMI-35BlueA Moose-Knuckle Select 7Datran 4Final
13407/18/09 7:00 PMI-35BlueB2 Brokeback Bozack 3Monkey Mob 2Final
13507/19/09 6:00 PMI-35BlueMixed The Northstar Mob (K 4Rag Tag Mutts 3 (Mau 3Final
13607/19/09 7:15 PMI-35BlueMixed Mixed Monkey Mob (Le 4Cocktail Mixers (And 3Final
13707/19/09 8:30 PMI-35BlueMixed Control Freaks (Fors 2Las Cabras (Brunet) 4Final
13807/19/09 9:45 PMI-35BlueMixed The Puckers (Taylor) 6Goats (Farm) 2Final
13907/20/09 6:30 PMI-35BlueA Iceholes 5Datran 3Final
14007/20/09 7:45 PMI-35BlueC Bad Goalie 4Monkey Kong 1Final
14107/20/09 9:00 PMI-35BlueC Crockett 2The Olson Twins 6Final
14207/20/09 10:15 PMI-35BlueB2 Sober Skaters 3Brokeback Bozack 5Final
14307/21/09 7:00 PMI-35BlueB2 B.A.D. 0Brokeback Bozack 5Final
14407/21/09 8:00 PMI-35RedB2/C Spell 3Miller 2Final
14507/21/09 8:15 PMI-35BlueB1 Inglewood Jacks 6Tail Chasers 3Final
14607/21/09 9:00 PMI-35RedB2/C Cardwell 1Shapiro 4Final
14707/21/09 9:30 PMI-35BlueB1 Black Jack 1Semi-Pro Paradise 3Final
14807/22/09 8:45 PMI-35BlueA Moose-Knuckle Select 5Team Teabag 3Final
14907/22/09 10:00 PMI-35BlueA Iceholes 2Bulldogs 6Final
15007/23/09 7:00 PMI-35BlueB2 Sober Skaters 5Team Shamwow 6Final (SO)
15107/23/09 8:00 PMI-35RedA/B1 Johnson 8Nisenfeld 4Final
15207/23/09 8:15 PMI-35BlueB1 Inglewood Jacks 5Beercapades 4Final
15307/23/09 9:00 PMI-35RedA/B1 Paull 18Geldon 5Final
15407/23/09 9:30 PMI-35BlueB1 Tail Chasers 2Black Jack 3Final
15507/24/09 6:30 PMI-35BlueB2 Monkey Mob 2Atomic Horseradish 3Final (SO)
15607/24/09 7:45 PMI-35BlueA Moose-Knuckle Select 4Bulldogs 5Final
15707/24/09 9:00 PMI-35BlueA Datran 2Team Teabag 1Final
15807/25/09 3:15 PMI-35BlueB1 Semi-Pro Paradise 3Beercapades 7Final
15907/25/09 4:30 PMI-35BlueB2 Team Shamwow 5Brokeback Bozack 2Final
16007/25/09 5:45 PMI-35BlueC Monkey Kong 1Crockett 0Final
16107/25/09 7:00 PMI-35BlueC Bad Goalie 4The Olson Twins 1Final
16207/26/09 6:00 PMI-35BlueMixed The Puckers (Taylor) 1Mixed Monkey Mob (Le 2Final
16307/26/09 7:15 PMI-35BlueMixed Las Cabras (Brunet) 4Rag Tag Mutts 3 (Mau 3Final (SO)
16407/26/09 8:30 PMI-35BlueMixed Goats (Farm) 3Cocktail Mixers (And 2Final
16507/26/09 9:45 PMI-35BlueMixed Control Freaks (Fors 4The Northstar Mob (K 5Final
16607/27/09 6:30 PMI-35BlueB1 Beercapades 5Tail Chasers 1Final
16707/27/09 7:45 PMI-35BlueA Iceholes 3Datran 6Final
16807/27/09 9:00 PMI-35BlueA Team Teabag 4Moose-Knuckle Select 6Final
16907/28/09 7:00 PMI-35BlueB1 Inglewood Jacks 4Semi-Pro Paradise 3Final
17007/28/09 7:00 PMI-35RedB2/C Shapiro 5Miller 3Final
17107/28/09 8:00 PMI-35RedB2/C Spell 6Cardwell 1Final
17207/28/09 8:15 PMI-35BlueC Bad Goalie 4Crockett 3Final
17307/28/09 9:00 PMI-35RedA/B1 Paull 2Nisenfeld 9Final
17407/28/09 9:30 PMI-35BlueC Monkey Kong 4The Olson Twins 1Final
17507/29/09 6:30 PMI-35BlueB1 Beercapades 2Black Jack 1Final
17607/29/09 7:45 PMI-35BlueB2 Atomic Horseradish 0Brokeback Bozack 2Final
17707/29/09 9:00 PMI-35BlueB2 Team Shamwow 5B.A.D. 4Final
17807/29/09 10:15 PMI-35BlueB2 Monkey Mob 4Sober Skaters 2Final
17907/30/09 7:00 PMI-35BlueB1 Tail Chasers 2Semi-Pro Paradise 0Final
18007/30/09 8:00 PMI-35RedA/B1 Geldon 5Nisenfeld 11Final
18107/30/09 8:15 PMI-35BlueA Bulldogs 5Iceholes 4Final (SO)
18207/30/09 9:00 PMI-35RedA/B1 Johnson 5Paull 2Final
18307/30/09 9:30 PMI-35BlueA Team Teabag 0Datran 7Final
18407/31/09 6:30 PMI-35BlueB1 Inglewood Jacks 0Black Jack 3Final
18507/31/09 7:45 PMI-35BlueC Monkey Kong 3Bad Goalie 7Final
18607/31/09 9:00 PMI-35BlueC The Olson Twins 3Crockett 1Final
18707/31/09 10:15 PMI-35BlueB2 Monkey Mob 2Team Shamwow 3Final
18808/01/09 3:15 PMI-35BlueA Bulldogs 2Moose-Knuckle Select 5Final
18908/01/09 4:30 PMI-35BlueB2 Team Shamwow 2Monkey Mob 3Final
19008/01/09 5:45 PMI-35BlueB2 B.A.D. 2Atomic Horseradish 7Final
19108/01/09 7:00 PMI-35BlueB2 Brokeback Bozack 7Sober Skaters 0Final
19208/02/09 6:00 PMI-35BlueMixed Rag Tag Mutts 3 (Mau 3Mixed Monkey Mob (Le 5Final
19308/02/09 7:15 PMI-35BlueMixed Goats (Farm) 5Control Freaks (Fors 6Final
19408/02/09 8:30 PMI-35BlueMixed The Northstar Mob (K 6Cocktail Mixers (And 1Final
19508/02/09 9:45 PMI-35BlueMixed The Puckers (Taylor) 4Las Cabras (Brunet) 2Final
19608/03/09 6:30 PMI-35BlueB2 Sober Skaters 2Atomic Horseradish 4Final
19708/03/09 7:00 PMI-35RedB2/C Cardwell 3Spell 2Final
19808/03/09 7:45 PMI-35BlueB1 Beercapades 1Inglewood Jacks 4Final
19908/03/09 8:00 PMI-35RedB2/C Miller 2Shapiro 5Final
20008/03/09 9:00 PMI-35RedA/B1 Geldon 6Johnson 2Final
20108/03/09 9:00 PMI-35BlueB1 Tail Chasers 2Inglewood Jacks 1Final
20208/03/09 10:15 PMI-35BlueA Datran 7Moose-Knuckle Select 4Final
20308/04/09 7:00 PMI-35RedB2/C Spell 2Shapiro 4Final
20408/04/09 7:00 PMI-35BlueB2 B.A.D. 2Monkey Mob 5Final
20508/04/09 8:00 PMI-35RedB2/C Cardwell 2Miller 3Final (SO)
20608/04/09 8:15 PMI-35BlueC Crockett 1Monkey Kong 5Final
20708/04/09 9:00 PMI-35RedA/B1 Johnson 6Paull 3Final
20808/04/09 9:30 PMI-35BlueC The Olson Twins 3Bad Goalie 2Final (SO)
20908/05/09 6:30 PMI-35BlueB1 Beercapades 1Semi-Pro Paradise 5Final
21008/05/09 7:45 PMI-35BlueB2 Brokeback Bozack 3Team Shamwow 4Final (SO)
21108/05/09 9:00 PMI-35BlueA Iceholes 6Moose-Knuckle Select 4Final
21208/05/09 10:15 PMI-35BlueA Bulldogs 8Team Teabag 2Final
21308/06/09 7:00 PMI-35RedA/B1 Johnson 3Geldon 6Final
21408/06/09 8:00 PMI-35RedA/B1 Paull 3Nisenfeld 1Final
21508/06/09 9:00 PMI-35RedB2/C Shapiro 5Spell 3Final
21608/06/09 10:15 PMI-35BlueB2 Atomic Horseradish 4B.A.D. 2Final
21708/07/09 9:30 PMI-35BlueA Datran 3Bulldogs 6Final
21808/09/09 6:00 PMI-35BlueMixed The Puckers (Taylor) 0Mixed Monkey Mob (Le 6Final
21908/09/09 7:15 PMI-35BlueMixed The Northstar Mob (K 3Goats (Farm) 4Final
22008/09/09 8:30 PMI-35BlueMixed Control Freaks (Fors 2Cocktail Mixers (And 4Final
22108/09/09 9:45 PMI-35BlueMixed Rag Tag Mutts 3 (Mau 3Las Cabras (Brunet) 4Final
22208/10/09 6:30 PMI-35BlueB1 Semi-Pro Paradise 1Black Jack 2Final (SO)
22308/10/09 7:45 PMI-35BlueB2 Monkey Mob 2Brokeback Bozack 3Final
22408/10/09 9:00 PMI-35BlueB2 Sober Skaters 5B.A.D. 4Final
22508/11/09 7:00 PMI-35RedB2/C Shapiro 3Cardwell 1Final
22608/11/09 7:00 PMI-35BlueA Team Teabag 2Iceholes 6Final
22708/11/09 8:00 PMI-35RedB2/C Miller 1Spell 2Final
22808/11/09 8:15 PMI-35BlueB1 Black Jack 0Tail Chasers 1Final (SO)
22908/11/09 9:00 PMI-35RedA/B1 Nisenfeld 9Geldon 3Final
23008/11/09 9:30 PMI-35BlueB2 Atomic Horseradish 1Team Shamwow 2Final
23108/12/09 8:45 PMI-35BlueC The Olson Twins 1Monkey Kong 3Final
23208/12/09 10:00 PMI-35BlueC Crockett 0Bad Goalie 5Final
23308/13/09 7:00 PMI-35RedA/B1 Geldon 4Paull 9Final
23408/13/09 8:00 PMI-35RedA/B1 Nisenfeld 4Johnson 7Final
23508/13/09 9:00 PMI-35RedB2/C Miller 3Cardwell 2Final (SO)
23608/15/09 3:15 PMI-35BlueB1 Inglewood Jacks 5Black Jack 3Final
23708/15/09 4:30 PMI-35BlueB2 Atomic Horseradish 4Sober Skaters 3Final (SO)
23808/15/09 5:45 PMI-35BlueA Datran 2Moose-Knuckle Select 3Final (SO)
23908/15/09 7:00 PMI-35BlueA Team Teabag 3Bulldogs 5Final
24008/16/09 6:00 PMI-35BlueMixed Las Cabras (Brunet) 2Cocktail Mixers (And 3Final
24108/16/09 7:15 PMI-35BlueMixed The Northstar Mob (K 5The Puckers (Taylor) 2Final
24208/16/09 8:30 PMI-35BlueMixed Goats (Farm) 3Mixed Monkey Mob (Le 7Final
24308/16/09 9:45 PMI-35BlueMixed Rag Tag Mutts 3 (Mau 3Control Freaks (Fors 5Final
24408/17/09 6:30 PMI-35BlueB1 Tail Chasers 1Beercapades 2Final
24508/17/09 7:45 PMI-35BlueB1 Semi-Pro Paradise 1Black Jack 3Final
24608/17/09 8:00 PMI-35RedB2/C Cardwell 0Spell 2Final
24708/17/09 9:00 PMI-35RedB2/C Miller 4Shapiro 7Final
24808/17/09 9:00 PMI-35BlueB2 Monkey Mob 2Brokeback Bozack 6Final
24908/17/09 10:15 PMI-35BlueB2 Atomic Horseradish 6Team Shamwow 2Final
25008/18/09 7:00 PMI-35RedA/B1 Paull 6Nisenfeld 5Final
25108/18/09 7:00 PMI-35BlueA Iceholes 4Bulldogs 2Final
25208/18/09 8:00 PMI-35RedA/B1 Geldon 2Johnson 4Final
25308/18/09 8:15 PMI-35BlueA Datran 8Moose-Knuckle Select 1Final
25408/18/09 9:00 PMI-35RedB2/C Spell 3Shapiro 5Final
25508/18/09 10:00 PMI-35RedB2/C Miller 1Cardwell 3Final
25608/19/09 7:00 PMI-35RedA/B1 Paull 2Johnson 3Final
25708/19/09 8:00 PMI-35RedA/B1 Geldon 2Nisenfeld 9Final
25808/19/09 8:30 PMI-35BlueC Crockett 2Bad Goalie 4Final
25908/19/09 9:45 PMI-35BlueC The Olson Twins 3Monkey Kong 2Final (SO)
26008/20/09 7:00 PMI-35BlueB2 B.A.D. 6Sober Skaters 2Final
26108/20/09 8:00 PMI-35RedB2/C Cardwell 1Spell 2Final
26208/20/09 8:15 PMI-35BlueA Iceholes 5Datran 2Final
26308/20/09 9:30 PMI-35BlueB1 Beercapades 1Black Jack 4Final
26408/20/09 9:30 PMI-35RedA/B1 Paull 2Nisenfeld 3Final
26508/21/09 6:30 PMI-35BlueC The Olson Twins 0Bad Goalie 2Final
26608/21/09 7:00 PMI-35RedB2/C Spell 3Shapiro 4Final
26708/21/09 7:45 PMI-35BlueB2 Atomic Horseradish 1Brokeback Bozack 3Final
26808/21/09 8:00 PMI-35RedA/B1 Nisenfeld 3Johnson 4Final
26908/21/09 9:00 PMI-35BlueB1 Black Jack 0Inglewood Jacks 3Final

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