Longest Team Win Streaks
Allegedly 7From 03/22/21 to 04/26/21
Mustin Jilianos 5From 02/22/21 to 03/08/21
Puck Dynasty 4From 05/03/21 to 05/20/21
Murder Hornets 3From 02/22/21 to 03/01/21
Murder Hornets 3From 03/20/21 to 03/29/21
Longest Team Losing Streaks
Shredders 4From 03/22/21 to 04/10/21
Shredders 3From 02/22/21 to 02/28/21
Allegedly 3From 02/22/21 to 03/01/21
Bozos Freak Show 3From 02/28/21 to 03/05/21
Murder Hornets 3From 03/05/21 to 03/15/21
Longest Point Streaks
Austin Rae Puck Dynasty 1017From 02/22/21 to 04/10/21
Prentiss Brown Puck Dynasty 914From 02/22/21 to 04/05/21
Cody Abbey Allegedly 79From 03/22/21 to 04/26/21
Tim Moon Mustin Jilianos 78From 03/08/21 to 04/16/21
Michael Dumont Murder Hornets 77From 04/19/21 to 05/17/21
Longest Goalie Win Streaks
Christopher Gahan Allegedly 13From 03/20/21 to 05/21/21
Michael Nightingale Mustin Jilianos 5From 02/22/21 to 03/08/21
Elliott Chenger Puck Dynasty 4From 05/03/21 to 05/24/21
Elliott Chenger Puck Dynasty 3From 03/29/21 to 04/10/21
Nick Marrone Murder Hornets 2From 02/28/21 to 03/01/21
High Saves in a Game

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